A family’s full-court press to defeat brain tumor scored extra time for Joe Smeeding.
UC Irvine neurobiologists and colleagues, using stem cells, identified why Huntington’s disease patients have defects in the blood-brain barrier that contribute to the fatal disorder. It is the first time induced pluripotent stem cells have been used for a neurodegenerative disease.
Thanks to UC Irvine stroke neurologists, ultrasound technician Alicia Bates, given low odds for survival even with surgery, fought back from a string of debilitating strokes with one goal in mind: to dance at her wedding.
Researchers led by a UC Irvine epilepsy specialist find biomarker to help identify which children may develop temporal lobe epilepsy.
With a major neurology award and $10 million in funding, Dr. Tallie Z. Barba strives to understand early-life brain development.
Experimental vaccine trains immune system to target remaining tumor cells after surgery, chemo
Researchers led by a UC Irvine epilepsy specialist find biomarker to help identify which children may develop temporal lobe epilepsy.